
M/SO Professionals in Transition

Looking for Work? Looking to Network?
Network with other professionals! Participate in a forum to share ideas and leads! Designed for people who are seeking new employment, guest speakers and facilitators have included human resource, coaching, psychology and social media experts. Employers are welcome to participate and discuss job opportunities.
Mondays April 5th and 19th, 10:15-11:30, Main Library


Fourth Friday Furlough Day

Main Library Furloughed
Tomorrow: Friday, March 26th
The Main Library will be closed for furlough this Friday, March 26th, and will reopen Satruday, March 27th, at 10 am.

Health Care Program Set For May

Health Care Reform and You Rescheduled
This workshop/lecture will offer a description of Community Health Law Project’s To Your Health (TYH) program and its Medicare Beneficiary Outreach and Assistance (MBOA) program. TYH offers information, educational materials and representation to people facing difficulties with health care insurance. MBOA offers information about, and assists people in applying for Medicare’s Low Income Subsidy, the Medicare Savings Program and New Jersey’s prescription assistance programs. A question and answer period will follow. Presenter David Popiel is the Community Health Law Project’s Senior Managing Attorney.
May 27th 7 pm in Memorial Hall


Fourth Friday Furlough Day

Main Library Furloughed
This Friday, March 26th
The Main Library will be closed for furlough this Friday, March 26th, and will reopen Satruday, March 27th, at 10 am.

Tomorrow's Program Cancelled!

Health Care Reform and You Cancelled!
This workshop/lecture, originally scheduled for tomorrow, Thursday March 25th, will be rescheduled for a later date. We apologize for any inconvenience.


Stop the Assault on Libraries!

What You Can Do to Help!
With just one click...
Contact your Senator and Assembly representatives opposing the elimination of statewide library programs and A2555. Go to http://bit.ly/capwiz to send an email or letter NOW!


Take Action Against State's Proposed Library Budget Cuts!

We Need Your Help!
New Jersey Library Association (NJLA) is rapidly preparing its response to Gov. Christie‘s proposed cuts to statewide library programs. Help us build our case:
· Share your stories! Tell us how you are using the library to search for jobs, interact with government and/or support small businesses. There’s no time to waste! Tell us NOW at:
· Become a Library Champion! We’ll email you when important issues arise and tell you what you can do to help so we can ensure Maplewood Library remains the heart of our community.
· Join the “Save NJ Libraries” Facebook Group.


Tonight at Hilton

Hands-On Science for Parents:
Dazzle your children by making things sizzle, pop and glow!!
At this interactive program, Betsy Wald will demonstrate exciting experiments using everyday materials, and help you come up with some of your own wacky projects. PARENTS ONLY PLEASE!
Tuesday, March 16, 7 – 8 pm at Hilton Branch

Today at Hilton

Drop-in Computer Class:
Adult computer users who would like to go beyond the basics may drop in for lessons tailored to your interests.
Today, 1 pm at Hilton Branch


Two Great Programs

Tonight at Maplewood Library!

Love Your Life Non-fiction Book Club
Mating in captivity : reconciling the erotic + the domestic, by Esther Perel. You're welcome to attend even if you haven't read this month’s selection! The discussion will focus on key points in the book and how they can help you in your life. A list of related reading and internet resources will be provided. Facilitated by Harlene Goldschmidt, PhD
Wednesday, March 10, 7:15 pm at Main Library

Hubert Henry Harrison:
The Voice of the Harlem Renaissance
Jeffrey Perry, professional historian, will talk about the contributions of Hubert Henry Harrison to the Harlem Renaissance. Harrison was a prominent organizer of the Socialist Party of New York and founder of the “New Negro” movement. Learn more about this powerfully influential figure in African American history. Copies of the book will be available for sale.
Wednesday, March 10, 7:00 pm at Main Library


Coming Up Tomorrow

Two Great Programs on Wednesday, March 10th!

Love Your Life Nonfiction Book Club
Mating in captivity : reconciling the erotic + the domestic, by Esther Perel.. Facilitated by Harlene Goldschmidt, PhD
Wednesday March 10, 7:15 at Main Library

Hubert Henry Harrison: The Voice of the Harlem Renaissance
Rescheduled author talk and book signing with Jeffrey Perry. Copies of the book will be available for sale.
Wednesday, March 10, 7:00 pm at Main Library

Today at Maplewood Library

Drop-In Computer Class:
Adult computer users who would like to go beyond the basics may drop in for lessons tailored to your interests.
Today, 1 pm at Hilton Branch

SCORE Business Program: How to Start and Manage Your Own Business
Vic Gomperts, a lawyer and retired VP of Finance for Verizon, will discuss the right ways to start a business.
Tonight, 6:45 pm at Hilton Branch
Free and open to the public. Registration is suggested but not necessary. To register, email PROGRAMS@maplewoodlibrary.org


Thank You Library Champions

Library Champions Meeting a Success!!
60 Supporters in Attendance
Thanks to everyone who joined us last night at our first meeting. We truly appreciate your support and we look forward to working with you to make sure Maplewood Library remains the heart of our community.


Learn About MOMentum

Conversation & Inspiration for Moms
Are you doing it all and still feeling unfulfilled? Do you want to deepen your awareness of what makes you do the things you do? Are you looking to take more consistent action in areas that really make a difference in your life? Learn about MOMentum, make connections, enrich your social interactions and take some opportunities to challenge yourself.
Thursday, March 11, 6:45 pm at Main Library

Health Care

Health Care Reform and You
This workshop/lecture will offer a description of Community Health Law Project’s To Your Health (TYH) program and its Medicare Beneficiary Outreach and Assistance (MBOA) program. TYH offers information, educational materials and representation to people facing difficulties with health care insurance. MBOA offers information about, and assists people in applying for Medicare’s Low Income Subsidy, the Medicare Savings Program and New Jersey’s prescription assistance programs.
March 25, 7 pm at Main Library
Presenter David Popiel is the Community Health Law Project’s Senior Managing Attorney.

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Positive Parenting Series

Hands-On Science for Parents
Dazzle your children by making things sizzle, pop and glow!!
For parents of children ages 4 – 12
* Spark your child's curiosity about the world
* Stimulate problem-solving skiils
* Improve family togetherness
* Make learning fun
* Impress your child with your science genius!
At this interactive program, Betsy Wald will demonstrate exciting experiments using everyday materials, and help you come up with some of your own wacky projects.
Tuesday, March 16, 7 – 8 pm at Hilton Branch
Parents only please!

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Black History Month Lecture--Rescheduled

Hubert Henry Harrison: The Voice of the Harlem Renaissance
Author talk and book signing
Jeffrey Perry, professional historian, will talk about the contributions of Hubert Henry Harrison to the Harlem Renaissance. Harrison combined class and race issues into political radicalism. He was a prominent organizer of the Socialist Party of New York and founder of the “New Negro” movement. Learn more about this powerfully influential figure in African American history. Copies of the book will be available for sale.
Wednesday, March 10, 7:00 pm at Main Library
Free and open to the public. No registration required.

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